Tuesday, January 7, 2014

My Biggest Fears


One thing I fear is never reaching success. What cause me to fear this is by looking at the people around me. Most people around me are struggling, barely able to pay their bills and at a dead end job that they hate or making illegal money. I'm scared to end up like that. I've had this fear for a couple years. That's why I try to do as much work as possible. Having this fear motivated me to become an over-achiever. Having this fear has made me a person that I'm proud to be.
Something else I fear is ghost. I remember when I was young I've watched a couple of horror movies and shows that involved paranormal activity and they were based on true stories. Seeing what spirits can do to you really horrified and traumatized me. Another thing that scared me about them is that they're invincible. You can't fight back or harm them in any way. Up to this point in my life I can't watch any movies that involve paranormal activity or even be in the presence of a ghost. I would feel uncomfortable and freak out.
Another thing I fear is losing someone I care about. I know it will happen some day. The reason I'm scared of it is because it has never happened to me before. I've never lost anybody I love. The thing that motivated this fear is looking how other people get damaged of such a traumatic situation. People really change after losing someone they love. I think losing someone you love is inevitable. I know I will know how it feels some day. I'm just scared on how it would impact my whole mentality and personality.


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